Our Support Services
Foothill AIDS Project’s (FAP) mission is to improve the lives of those affected by HIV through our comprehensive support services. Our organization also aims to prevent HIV infections and AIDS by providing education and outreach programs.
Medical Case Management
Case management can be critical in the effort to live well with HIV. That’s why we make sure our friendly, diverse, and professional staff will work with you to determine what your needs are and find the best ways to help you.

"Knowing my status gives me the power to protect myself and my community."
To order your free HIV home test kit, complete the form above. Once complete, you will be provided a link to order your free HIV home test kit.
I think I may have just been exposed to HIV. Should I use a free HIV home test kit?
YOU SHOULD NOT ORDER A KIT. Instead, you can prevent HIV by getting Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), a four-week course of medications that prevent HIV infection. If you think you’ve been exposed to HIV, and want to start taking PEP, do so as soon as possible. PEP has to be started within 72 hours (3 days) in order to work. Contact us to ask about PEP or search for PEP here.
You should not order a kit if you are having STI symptoms. Contact us or another healthcare provider to get tested and treated.
In some places, people under the age of 18 can order a home test kit. When you enter your date of birth, you will get an error message if you are not eligible because of your age. To find out more about STIs and youth testing services, click here.
If you are eligible to order a test, you can select from the following:
- HIV Oral Swab Tests (OraQuick) are only approved for people ages 17 and up.
- Lab-based HIV or STI testing varies state by state. Click here for more information about what you can get tested for in your state.
- If you receive an error message when you enter your date of birth, you will not be able to order a test kit because of the law in your state.
In approximately one to four days, you will get a discreet package in the mail with your test kit and a set of instructions.
For the HIV oral swab test: Once you take the test, your results will be ready at home in 20 minutes. For lab-based tests: Once you complete your specimens and mail them back to the lab, it takes on average 3 days (range 1-6 days) to process your results. Don’t worry. You’ll get an email from us once they are ready to be viewed in your portal.
Yes. Upon completing the form above, you will be directed to our partner site to order your free home test. Here you can review additional FAQs before placing your order.
What Clients Say
Here at FAP, we're not just an agency; we're a family. That’s why we offer nothing but love and support to patients who need our help.
Here are what our clients say about our services:

“I came to FAP homeless, but with the help of the counselors and case managers, I was able to get my degree and my own house. Come join us!”
- Nash, CLIENT SINCE 2013

“Not only did FAP have support resources, but they had the resources to really help me...counseling, help with my bills. They’ve been my backbone in dealing with this disease.”

“Without FAP, honestly, I think I’d be lost. I wouldn’t have a clue of who I am or how I can be of service to anyone. FAP saved my life.”